
Asbestos sampling

Asbestos sampling is conducted to help give you an understanding of the condition of any asbestos containing materials (AMCs) on your site. Bulk sampling allows us to extract small pieces of material to take for testing back in our laboratories.

Our bulk sampling process

AMC carries out bulk sampling in accordance with stringent UKAS guidelines. We use independent UKAS ISO17025 laboratories all over the UK to analyse samples and determine risk.

Our expert analysts conduct bulk sampling in accordance with HSE Guidance Notes HSG 248 and HSG264 and our own in-house procedures. We then use stereo and polarised light microscopy to analyse the samples following industry standard and best practise.

We have five UKAS Accredited Laboratories nationwide, located in Surrey, London, Manchester, Cardiff and Leicestershire. To help you respond to an asbestos emergency quickly, we provide a number of test completion time options.

All of the systems and processes we apply to bulk asbestos sampling and analysis are also certified to ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance standard. We ensure the highest possible standards at every point. When it comes to the safety of your premises, you can’t afford to take any risks. AMC are here to help make asbestos management simple.

Contact us about asbestos sampling